How to catch 100’s bass early season on Lake St. Clair, with KVD and @MarkZonaFishing ! THE VANDAM EXPERIENCE is now playing on @OutdoorChannel.
Follow Kevin VanDam as he shares his 33+ years of pro-Bass fishing friends and knowledge. And he shares it all with you!
Check out this exclusive look from episode 1. S1.E1 – with special guest Mark Zona #KVD and the #OutdoorChannel as well as multiple online streaming platforms are thrilled to bring you #theVANDAMexperience, the best fishing and outdoor sports show you can watch to improve your fishing skills and catch exclusive outings with big names in sports and entertainment.
Check Outdoor Channel’s NEW bass fishing show THE VANDAM EXPERIENCE with KVD! Now playing. Check listings for showtimes. Outdoor Channel available on @SlingTV , @Spectrum , @xfinity , @FreeCast , @frndlytv3526 , @fuboTVOfficial , @hulu Live TV , @dishnetwork , @ATT U-Verse , and @DIRECTV