The right way to rig a Texas ocho

It’s all about the drop with an ocho, check out how to keep your worm straight and your lines clean. This is the best way to rig up your Texas Ocho rig, every time. For most waters, it’s best to let your weight slide on the line.

‪@StrikeKingLure‬ soft plastics are the way to go and the ‪@MustadFishing‬ Tak Offset hook makes it easy to keep your bait straight, this is crucial! KVD breaks it down in detail.

Check out the demo!

Mustad AlphaPoint Tak-Offset Worm Hook: 

KVD perfect plastics Ocho

KVD Perfect Plastics Ocho 5″:

KVD Perfect Plastics Finesse Worm 6.5:

Strike King KVD plastics:

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